Location: Alviães, Palmaz, concelho de Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal
Project team: Adelino Pinheiro, Marco Ferreira, Maria José Matos, Pedro Ribeiro, Zita Torres
Client: ACS, Investimentos Imobiliários Lda.
Project year: 2003
Construction period: 2007-2009
Constructed area: 938,44 sqm
Photographs: Orlando Fonseca
The houses that compose the complex Casas da Fonte (5 houses – lot 45 to lot 49) are integrated in the allotment developed in 1999 by Matéria Modular, Arquitectura Lda., for Lugar de Alviães, Freguesia de Palmaz, city of Oliveira de Azeméis.
Following the Urban Director Plan, the lot is included in the transition zone, which is characterized by the occupation of small volume buildings. The proposed solution fits legally both in terms of typology and use, and it involves a set of parallel volumes that define patios, which organize functionally the programmatic relations.
The lot develops pending towards south and sunset. To avoid big soil movements, it is made a contact of the volumes with the soil. Therefore, the edification adapts naturally to the allotment drawing and also to its infrastructures.