Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Project Architects: François Dulon, Juan Madrinan, Anne-Marie Larghi, Philippe Vasey
Structural Engineer: EDMS
Project area: 120 sqm
Project year: 2006 – 2007
Photographs: Juan Madrinan / DLV architectes & associés
The project redefines new spaces in an existing building volume for low-cost. An addition on the ground floor gives a new spatiality to the common areas and an outside extension for bedrooms upstairs.
The entire building is reclassified. The eaves are deleted to give the building a monolithic image. The color palette of the roof and facades is minimized to reinforce the unitary form of the whole. Existing openings are preserved but their position is set in motion by white asymmetrical frames.
The façade treatment gives the house a playful nature and an unstable tranquility in contrast to the housing environment.